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Donald Trump has actually won the Republican primaries after just two votes (Iowa, New Hampshire) – even if his last remaining rival, Nikki Haley, continues defiantly.

She is touring her home state of South Carolina (primaries: 24. 2.) and pretending that she can still somehow catch heavyweight Trump…

Trump could take it easy. She has no chance in any other US state.

But composure is not his strong point: he wants to push Haley – who Trump has labeled “insecure” – aside with brute force tactics. He even threatened donors to the Haley campaign with a “boycott list”.

But it’s a sideshow. Because Trump is practically the fixed Republican candidate for the presidential election (5. 11.). It will be the “rematch” against Joe Biden. This is exactly how the President himself sees it, who once again wants to run an election campaign for the “soul of America”.

There were prompt personnel changes in Biden’s previously toothless campaign team. This is because he is trailing in the polls, most recently with 34 to 40 percent, according to Reuters/Ipsos.

The age duel (both together are 158 years old) seems to be about a choice between the “lesser of two evils”. 65 percent of US voters wanted other candidates at all.

The Democrats in particular are on fire: rumors of a possible “flying change” to former first lady Michelle Obama keep surfacing. Either way, there is the threat of a mud-slinging that will continue to tear America apart: Biden castigates his opponent as a “putschist” and “dictator”. Trump rails that “crooked Joe” is “demented” and “hates America”.

And these are just the warm-up rounds…

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