Money transfer

In 2021 alone, the country received 3.6 billion euros in remittances from emigrants. In total, more than 2.6 million Portuguese live outside the country, which makes Portugal the country with the most emigrants in Europe.

The money that Portuguese emigrants send to the national territory is as much as that of European funds. France and Switzerland are the countries that top the list of where emigrants send the largest amounts of money.

According to the emigration Observatory, quoted by Jornal da Notícias, which goes by the name of “Atlas of Portuguese emigration”, the amount sent to Portugal by emigrants even reaches, in some cases, to exceed that of European funds.

In 2021 alone, for example, the country received 3,6 billion euros in remittances from emigrants. France – where about 600 thousand Portuguese live-and Switzerland are responsible for more than half of the capital transfers.

It should be noted that Portugal is the country with the most emigrants in Europe. In total, more than 2.6 million Portuguese live outside the country.

In recent days, the emigration Observatory revealed that almost one in three young people born in Portugal, between 15 and 39 years old, live abroad, a total of 850 thousand.

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