the code of arms of the GNR, Guarda Nacional Republicana

A service that is not being paid for and a lack of respect is what the GNR is pointing out to the Portuguese state. For this reason, the military are mobilizing for protests with demonstrations in several district capitals scheduled for January 27.

200 GNR soldiers say the state owes them more than a million euros. At issue is the security service for the airfields through which the air route linking Portimão and Bragança passes. The Association of Guard Professionals accuses the government of a lack of respect.

Since 2021, the GNR soldiers who provide security for the aerodrome linking Portimão to Bragança have not been paid for their work and the debt owed to almost 200 soldiers is over a million euros.

The “blame game” between the National Civil Aviation Authority and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has left the soldiers unpaid and the debt piling up.

Especially at a time when there is uncertainty as to whether the airline career will continue after March. In other words, the public service may end sooner than the military get paid for their service.

The fight for the same mission allowance as the Judiciary Police is beginning to unearth all the pending struggles between the security forces and central power.

The sit-ins in the district capitals will continue and demonstrations have already been scheduled for the 27th in the airfields of Portimão, Viseu, Vila Real and Bragança.

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