mans hands in handcuffs

Police arrested a 43-year-old man on suspicion of several robberies in central Lisbon. He allegedly stole objects worth 120,000 euros and caused damage valued at 10,000 euros.

The individual, arrested for five crimes of theft and one of damage “was already under investigation for several crimes of the same nature”, reveals this Tuesday the PSP, stressing that the suspect “used the method of burglary and cunning”, managing to enter local accommodations, residences and commercial establishments.

The patrimonial value of the thefts amounts to 120 thousand euros, with the value of the damage being approximately 10 thousand euros.

According to the Police, on January 4, the defendant went to an establishment in downtown Lisbon and, after breaking down the entrance door, “accessed its interior and stole several items, having been intercepted later, in Praça D. Pedro IV, in possession of the stolen articles and the objects used for the illicit (a metal chisel, a pair of plastic pellets and a piece of metal belonging to a jackhammer).”

He was located and arrested the next day (January 5) and, after being heard in the first Judicial Interrogation, he was remanded in custody.

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