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President of the Republic informs that he decided to veto

In a note on the decree amending the Statute of the Order of Doctors, President of the Republic informs that he decided to veto it after hearing the respective head of Staff, Carlos Cortes.

The President of the Republic vetoed the decree of the Assembly of the Republic amending the Statute of the Order of Physicians. On the other hand, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa promulgated the decree amending the Statute of the Order of the Chartered Auditors. The decisions were announced on Tuesday on the official website of the Presidency of the Republic.

The two decrees are part of a set of amendments to the statutes of professional orders approved in Parliament on October 13, with votes in favor of the PS. Before the decree on the Order of Doctors, the Head of State has vetoed four other decrees of this package, regarding the statutes of the orders of engineers, architects, nurses and lawyers.

In a note on the decree amending the Statute of the Medical Order, the President of the Republic informs that he decided to veto it after hearing the respective head, Carlos Cortes.

In a letter addressed to the President of the Assembly of the Republic, annexed to the veto decision, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa states that “according to the position transmitted by the Order of the Medical Order, the statute does not ensure the autonomy of the order, namely with regard to the competence of the Colleges of Specialties” and that, “in the words of the Order of Doctors, the principle of self-regulation is called into question, establishing a relationship in the field of hierarchy.”

By vetoing the new Statute of the Medical Order, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa again emphasizes that it does not call into question the “compliance with the obligations of the Portuguese State before the European Union, within the framework of the Program of Recovery and Resilience (PRR)” and that takes into account “the difficulties inherent in the legislative process that led to the approval of this decree”

The vetoes precede in a little more than a month the dissolution of the Assembly of the Republic, which must be decreed by the President of the Republic on January 15. According to the Constitution, under a political veto, the Assembly of the Republic can confirm the decree by an absolute majority of the deputies in effective functions, 116 in 230, and in that case the President of the Republic will have to enact the decree.

In another note on the status of the Order of the Chartered Auditors, the President of the Republic announces that he has decided to promulgate it after hearing the respective head of Staff, Virgilius Macedo.

“However, in the context of a possible legislative amendment to this Statute, it would be necessary for the legislature to consider the specificity of the profession, which is now subject to a double supervision (Legal Regime of Audit Supervision and independent supervisory body created within the Order), in order to ensure that there are no conflicts of competence in the supervision of the audit functions of the auditing/legal review of the accounts, in particular in relation to entities of public interest,” suggests the head of state.

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