a research laboratory with intense light

“Best-of” research from the University of Minho will be presented on the 30th and 31st of this month at the “Research & Innovation Open Days” event, which includes seven panels and half a hundred speakers.

The University of Minho has more than 600 scientific projects underway, involving almost 230 million euros and 3000 researchers and professors. In the group of the 2% most cited scientists in the world there are 65 scientists.

The University integrates 30 research centers, 13 Collaborative Laboratories, nine Associated laboratories, 12 interface units and 48 spin-offs.

These and other figures that portray the best of this academy’s research and innovation will be made known on January 30 and 31, at the first of UMinho Research & Innovation Open Days, which takes place in building 2 of the Gualtar campus, in Braga.

The official opening is on Tuesday at 9: 15 am, in auditorium B1, with the rector, Rui Vieira de Castro and the vice-rector for research and innovation, Eugénio Campos Ferreira. The initial panel brings together three winners of the European Research Council grant, the most prestigious in the EU: Ana João Rodrigues has analyzed pleasure and aversion in the brain, Paulo Lourenço studies historical heritage in the face of earthquakes and Alexandra Marques creates 3D models of diseased skin tissues.

After a break for poster and networking sessions, the second panel counts at 11: 15 am with representatives of The Associated laboratories AR-NET, ICVS/3B’s, Labbels, ARISE, LASI, INESC TEC, LaPMET, LIP and IN2PAST. At 14: 30 pm, The Voice is given to other units of this innovation ecosystem: DTx, CCG, ProChild, Colab4Food, Fibrenamics, PIEP, TecMinho and Karion Therapeutics. In parallel, in auditorium B2, nine young scientists will disseminate in pitch format their projects, linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This format repeats the next morning, with nine more promising investigations.

International affirmation

International cooperation will be evaluated at 15: 30 pm, with Rui Munhá, pivot for European issues at the foundation for Science and Technology, and researchers José Manuel Méijome, from the Physics Center, and José Campos e Matos, from the Institute for sustainability and innovation in Structural Engineering. The round table on open access scientific publications for all brings two references in the area-Eloy Rodrigues and Pedro Príncipe, from Uminho’s documentation and Library Services.

Friday’s program opens to discuss the scientific publication processes and integrity, with statements by the editor of the “EMBO Journal”, William Teale, and the economic delegate of the US Embassy in Lisbon, Sona Ramesh. It’s 9: 30 a.m. in auditorium B2. At the same time, in B1, UMinho’s participation in the national network of scientific infrastructures is valued, such as the TERM Research Hub (tissue engineering), MIRRI (microbial resources), Biodata.pt (biological data), OPENSCREEN (biochemistry) and DataLab (populations). At 11: 00 AM, It is the turn to know four studies on food, genetics, infections and literature, carried out in partnership with the University of São Paulo (Brazil).

The closing session is at 12: 00 pm, with the interventions of vice-rector Eugénio Campos Ferreira and the pro-rector for scientific projects and Research Management, Sandra Paiva.

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