mans hands in handcuffs

Following more than 100 searches carried out by the Judicial Police (PJ) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) in various locations on Madeira and on the Continent, the mayor of Funchal, Pedro Calado, and Avelino Farinha, have been arrested.

The mayor of Funchal, Pedro Calado, as well as Avelino Farinha, businessman and chairman of the Board of Directors of the AFA Group have been arrested. Following more than 100 searches carried out by the Judicial Police (PJ) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) in various locations in Madeira and the Continent, the arrests were made on suspicion of corruption, economic participation in business, malfeasance, abuse of power, and other crimes,

According to observers, the two detainees will be present to criminal investigation judge, so that the respective coercion measures are applied to them.

The same newspaper says that Miguel Albuquerque and Pedro Calado will be suspected of passive corruption, while Avelino Farinha is allegedly suspected of active corruption, among other crimes.

Among the crimes that are at the basis of this investigation directed by the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action of the Public Ministry are suspicions of corruption, economic participation in business, malfeasance, abuse of power and others.

The source said to Lusa that the searches that took place in various regions of the continent are mainly in companies.

Asked if there are already persons detained in this operation, the same source indicated “not yet”.

In a statement released this morning, the Municipality of Funchal confirmed the searches, without advancing more details.

“The Municipality of Funchal informs that a group of inspectors of the Judicial Police was admitted this morning to the premises of the building of the City of the Municipality, for the realization of searches”, reads the statement released by the municipality (PSD / CDS-PP).

In the document, the municipality, chaired by the Social Democrat Pedro Calado, adds that “it is collaborating in the ongoing investigation and to provide all the information requested, in a spirit of good cooperation.”

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