The flags of the United States and Cape Verde and a handshake

Ulisses Correia da Silva said that “Cape Verde hopes to deepen the historic bonds of friendship with the United States of America and to outline new forms of partnership”. The country hosts Antony Blinken.

Cape Verde is this Monday under the attention of the United States of America (USA) and China, as it hosts a visit from the US administration and another by a Chinese delegation linked to a capital fund.

Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, is starting a tour of Africa in Cape Verde that will take him until Friday, also passing through Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Angola.

“Throughout the trip, the Secretary will highlight how the United States has accelerated the partnership since the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, including in areas such as climate, food and health security,” the U.S. State Department said in a statement.

For its part, “Cape Verde hopes to deepen the historic bonds of friendship with the United States of America and to outline new forms of partnership in strategic areas for sustainable development,” said Ulisses Correia e Silva, Cape Verde’s Prime Minister.

Ulisses Correia e Silva pointed out the “great commitment” of the two countries to “universal values”, both assuming the role of democratic constitutional states, respecting human rights.

Blinken’s visit comes a month after Cape Verde was considered eligible for a third funding program from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, an independent government agency in the United States – an official development assistance program, with values to be defined, aimed at regional economic integration.

The trip coincides with the visit to the archipelago of a delegation from the China-Portuguese Speaking Countries Cooperation and Development Fund (CPD Fund), which will take place from Monday to Wednesday, with the aim of “strengthening cooperation between China and Cape Verde in terms of investment and identifying business opportunities in the country’s strategic sectors”.

During their stay in Cape Verde, the Chinese delegation will meet with various government departments and entities.

On Wednesday, the Cape Verdean government reiterated its commitment to the principle of “one China”, following the elections on the 12th in Taiwan, which brought to the presidency William Lai, until now vice-president of the island and considered an “agitator” by Beijing.

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