recycling containers lined up

The Portuguese sent a total of 460,285 tons of packaging for recycling in 2023, which is practically stagnant compared to the same period last year.

As a result, if the trend seen in recent years continues, Portugal will not be able to reach the new target set for 2025 for this stream of urban packaging waste, says Sociedade Ponto Verde, based on an analysis of the annual data from the Integrated Packaging Waste Management System (SIGRE).

The country’s objective, which is common to all Member States, is to be recycling at least 65% of the packaging placed on the market in a year’s time. In 2023, this rate remained at 60%.

Paper/cardboard, with 148,630 tons collected (+4%) continues to be one of the best performing materials, but there are two that should raise concerns: aluminum and glass. The former increased by only 2%, which translates into 1,947 tons sent for recycling, and needs a significant increase in the rate of growth. Glass is still below target and its collection is showing signs of decline. Last year 212,593 tons of this packaging were deposited, or 6,264 tons less (-3%).

The company therefore stresses that, in global terms, the whole sector needs clear, standardized rules and mechanisms to promote transparency and efficiency in the system.

“Portugal is at a critical moment in terms of urban waste management and in particular packaging recycling, which is the only stream to meet the targets and should be an example to the rest. Optimizing the operation, in a transparent model and at fair and efficient costs and with guarantees of quality and level of service are factors that Sociedade Ponto Verde considers essential for the future of the sector,” said Ana Trigo Morais, CEO of Sociedade Ponto Verde, in a statement.

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