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The sustainable investment platform has authorization from the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) to attract new projects and investors from other markets, with particular interest in neighboring Spain.

After a year and a half, the Portuguese platform dedicated to collaborative financing, also known as crowdfunding, has now received authorization from the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) to expand its investment network. In practice, Goparity is now authorized to promote its platform in other countries, with an eye on markets inside and outside Europe. With this new license, Goparity anticipates that the volume of investments made through the platform will reach 20 million euros by 2024. In terms of turnover, the figure should be around 1.2 million euros.

“In terms of investments, 2023 was below expectations because we made the mistake of believing that the delay in implementing the regulation wouldn’t be so long,” explains CEO Nuno Brito Jorge to ECO/Capital Verde. “We envisioned a 2023 in which Goparity would already have this license, but it didn’t happen. The result was worse. The 20 million we had planned for that year were already planned for 2023,” he says.

This year, 12.8 million euros were raised through the platform, but there were still records in terms of investment: in December alone, 1.5 million euros were invested, “the best month ever”, reveals the CEO.

Until last Friday, January 26, Goparity was only authorized to promote its platform in Portugal, although it had already registered more than 360 projects and investors from 73 different nationalities interested in the platform since it was founded.

“By operating in Portugal we could have foreign investors and receive projects outside Portugal, but we couldn’t make investment offers, online or offline, outside the country or aimed at non-residents,” he explains. But now with this license, Goparity receives a “passport” that allows it to launch funding campaigns in any member state of the European Union, advertising and attracting investors in those markets. The next step will be to reinforce the offices in Barcelona – where Nuno Brito lives – with new hires and attract investors and projects from the Spanish market. But that’s not all.

Nuno Brito Jorge told ECO/Capital Verde that there is interest in projects in Canada, Colombia and Mexico – after attracting projects from the Dominican Republic – and potential investors in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Sweden. As for the nature of the projects, those linked to renewables, especially solar energy, continue to be the most interesting because they already have “robust” and proven technology.

Launched in 2017, the Portuguese company has raised a total of 33 million euros in funding for around 360 projects. The new license, underlines the entrepreneur, “is fundamental for the international growth” of Goparity.