Two flags in green, yellow and red

Organizations representing Brazilian emigrants living in Portugal will question President Lula da Silva’s government about the “growing number of cases of discrimination and violence” against the Brazilian community, according to a statement released on Monday.

The decision came out of a meeting held on Friday in Lisbon, attended by representatives of seven organizations, convened by the Portuguese branch of the Workers’ Party (PT), Lula da Silva’s party.

The seven organizations announced that a meeting would be held on Saturday 3 February with “other anti-racist and migrant organizations” to draw up a document with measures against “racism and xenophobia”.

At last Friday’s meeting, the seven organizations “discussed the electoral process in Portugal and the Lula government’s policy for the Brazilian population abroad”, reads the message released this Monday by the PT’s nucleus in Portugal.

“Within the framework of the Workers’ Party’s International Relations, the PT’s Center in Portugal will dialogue in solidarity with its partners in Portugal (PS, PCP and Left Bloc) on the political situation and electoral challenges,” it adds.

The seven organizations will meet again on February 17 to review and update their actions.

In attendance were representatives and activists from the Lusophony, Culture and Citizenship Association, the Portuguese Language Citizenship and Culture Association, the Popular Women’s Committee in Portugal, the Living Politics Institute, the PT Center in Portugal, the PCdoB and Portuando – Association of Support for Brazilians in Immigration Situations.

Around 400,000 Brazilians are legalized in Portugal, making it the largest foreign resident community. There are also around 150,000 waiting for their documentation to be regularized and more than 200,000 have dual citizenship.