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A cross-check of Social Security data identified false green receipts. Almost 10,000 companies have been notified to include them as workers. They have until February 16th.

The Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) has notified almost ten thousand companies to regularize the employment relationship of 17,701 self-employed workers. Companies have until February 16 to integrate these false green receipts.

“ACT has notified 9,699 employers to regularize the employment relationship of 17,701 economically dependent self-employed workers, i.e. service providers who provide 80% or more of their activity to a single entity,” was announced this Friday in a note sent to newsrooms. The workers in question have also been informed.

In the fall, the Minister of Labor had indicated that there would be a crackdown on false self-employment in 2023, but this did not happen.

In January, Ana Mendes Godinho announced in Parliament that the inspections would start soon. This Friday, ACT announced that the notifications have already been sent.

Companies now have until February 16 to “regularize their employment relationships, from service contracts to employment contracts”, in other words, to integrate these fake green receipts into their teams.

After February 16, ACT will once again check the regularity of the links and the maintenance of the jobs. If the situation has not been regularized, ACT will begin the inspection to ensure compliance with the law.

It is important to explain that this action to “combat precariousness” is the result of an intelligent cross-checking of data with Social Security. “It aims to regularize employment relationships, ensuring that obligations are effectively fulfilled and workers benefit from the rights corresponding to their real employment situation,” ACT stresses.