Red, green and yellow Portuguese flag and a floating astronaut

The Portuguese Space Agency will give 30 young Portuguese students the opportunity to float like astronauts

Portuguese Space Agency opened registrations for a competition in which the process of selecting astronauts is simulated. It is for a third year in a row and 30 young students will have the chance to experience a zero gravity flight on September 29. in Beja.

As in previous editions, all students of basic or secondary schools of Portuguese education can apply. You must be between 14 and 18 years old at the date of flight and attend, at most, the 11th year of schooling in the academic year.

The competition evaluation system retains the format, simulating the process of selection of astronauts, which is divided into four phases.

In the first phase, candidates must submit general and contact information and a motivation video with a maximum duration of 45 seconds. Then, 250 candidates will be selected for the second phase, which consists of a proof of memory, speed and spatial reasoning.

Of these, 100 candidates will be selected who will pass the third stage of the contest and will have to hold a physical fitness test, of which 50 will be called for an interview. Finally, the 30 finalists will be chosen.

However, the Portuguese Space Agency points out that “participation in parabolic flight is only guaranteed if, after a medical examination, the candidate is considered clinically fit to fly”.

It should be noted that the parents permission is also required.

The third edition of the competition “Astronauta por um Dia” has the collaboration of the Portuguese Air Force, the Municipality of Beja, Ciência Viva, the Faculty of Human Motricity of the University of Lisbon and the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto.

Registration for the first phase is already taking place and closes on February 19.

Information on regulations and applications is available here.

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