Portugal on a map and the words logos of GNR and PSP

Polícia de Segurança Pública and Guarda Nacional Republicana unions call a strike on the 31st and promise to “hit the government hard”.

Members of the PSP and GNR will hold sit-ins and strikes on January 31 to protest against the fact that they do not receive a mission supplement similar to that of members of the Judicial Police (PJ). The police promise to “hit the government hard” and cut ties with the Minister of Internal Affairs, José Luís Carneiro.
The platform that brings together PSP unions and GNR associations met this Friday.

“It remains incomprehensible that the rationale behind the PJ’s mission supplement does not apply to the PSP and GNR, who continue to feel disrespected, disregarded and undervalued by the government,” reads a statement sent to newsrooms.

Accusing the executive of “irresponsibility”, the unions promise, first of all, to “sever relations with the MAI due to a lack of interest, time and objective and proven incompetence”.

This cut is accompanied by a “harsh labeling” of the government, which they consider to be “primarily responsible for the impairment”.

Finally, the agents decided to schedule nationwide sit-ins and strikes for January 31, using the Trade Union Act. If there is no response after these actions, the platform promises “new forms of struggle” as early as February.”If we had the scalpel of a strike, the government’s selective deafness would probably be cured,” the unions say.

“We praise the fact that, with the exception of the PS, all the political parties with a parliamentary seat voted “In Favor” of draft Resolution No. 948/XV/2 (PCP), which proposed the remunerative and social valorization of workers in the Security Forces and Services,” the statement said.

“Some political parties have stressed the sense of injustice that reigns in the PSP and GNR, assuming Security as a strategic axis for Portugal’s economic development and a hub for attracting investment,” it adds.

Government “has not dignified the police”

The protest by members of the PSP and GNR began after the government approved, on November 29, the payment of a mission supplement for PJ careers, which in some cases could represent an increase of almost 700 euros per month.

After the meeting, the representative of the platform of unions, Bruno Pereira, told journalists that “it was this government that in eight years has not dignified the police status of PSP and GNR professionals, so regardless of whether it resigns or not, it is this government that we must continue to demand”.

“How is it possible that the two security forces in this country, because there are no others, can be treated in this way?” he asked.

Bruno Pereira stressed that it is the police and military who provide the first response, who deal with the unpredictable and who save children, parents and grandparents in any situation, so they are the ones who are in the first line of risk.

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