sign with letters ALAL - Alojamento Local

11,447 of Lisbon’s 19,917 Local Accommodation registrations have been checked.

Lisbon has 19,917 Local Accommodation (AL) registrations, of which proof of registration has been provided for 11,447, indicating that more than 8,200 should be canceled because they have missed the deadline.

The ‘Mais Habitação’ (More Housing) law included the expiry of inactive registrations, after giving local accommodation registration holders two months to prove that they are still active by submitting a tax return.

city with buildings
Lisbon, Portugal

The deadline for submitting this declaration expired at the end of Dec. 13th (after the government extended the initial deadline, which ended on the 7th) and, according to figures released today by the Ministry of the Economy, of the 19,917 existing LA registrations in the municipality of Lisbon, 11,447 contribution declarations were submitted.

Porto, Portugal’s number two in registrations for RNAL (National Registry of Local Accommodation), 8,581 declarations were submitted for a total of 10,449 existing registrations.

This was followed by Albufeira, where of the 9,955 registrations, 6,565 had proof of activity, paving the way for more than 3,300 cancellations, Loulé (6,955 to 4,197) and Lagos (with a total of 5,836 registrations and 3,907 declarations).

As well as obliging the holders of the registrations to prove, by submitting a tax return, that they are continuing to operate, the Mais Habitação law stipulates that failure to comply with this obligation “implies the cancellation of the respective registrations, by decision of the mayor of the municipality with territorial jurisdiction”

Only the operation of local accommodation units in own and permanent housing is excluded from this obligation, as long as this operation does not exceed 120 days per year.

In the case of Lisbon, there are 226 dwellings in this situation, while in Porto there are 79 and in Albufeira and Loulé, 181 and 128 respectively.

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