IRS AUDIT printed big on white paper and a calculator

Don’t let them accumulate and validate them periodically.

The Tax Authority (AT) has reminded taxpayers, in a post shared on social media, that they must validate their invoices for IRS purposes, and that this step can be completed by February 26.

This means that taxpayers have just over a month to do so, and this process is very important if they want to be entitled to all the deductions and benefits in the IRS.

Before that, taxpayers must notify the tax authorities of any changes to their household in 2023 by February 15.

Read Also: In what situations should you notify the tax authorities of your household? Until when?
There are other IRS campaign deadlines that you should take into consideration and that are already known, you can consult them all here.

In the meantime, follow the AT’s recommendation and periodically validate your invoices. This will prevent them from piling up.

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