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Until the end of April, calls for support for Portuguese companies will be launched (namely for Incentives for the Qualification of Human Resources). Compete 2030 reveals what they are (and the funding for each one)

With the approval of the updated Portugal 2030 Annual Call Plan for 2024, Compete 2030 announces the calls to be launched and already available in the first four months of this year.

By the end of April, a number of calls for support for Portuguese companies are scheduled to be launched in the areas of training, internationalization, intellectual and industrial property, qualification, productive innovation and the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge:

The Business Competitiveness Incentive System (SICE) has a total allocation of 320 million euros for the calls: Productive Innovation - Low Density Territories, with a total allocation of 100 million euros, of which 71.5 million euros from COMPETE 2030; and for Productive Innovation - Other Territories, with a total allocation of 220 million euros, of which 135,500,000 million euros from Compete 2030. The two calls are multi-programme and common to Compete 2030 and the continent's regional programs Norte 2030, Centro 2030, Lisboa 2030, Alentejo 2030 and Algarve 2030.
The Incentive System for the Qualification of Human Resources (SIQRH) has a total allocation of 60 million euros for the call dedicated to Action Training.

The Collective Action Support System (SIAC), with a total allocation of 25 million euros for the notices: Internationalization, with a total allocation of 10M€; Transfer of Scientific and Technological Knowledge, with a total allocation of 10 million euros; and Qualification, with an allocation of 5 million euros. The aim of this incentive system is to support the business environment, through collective, mobilizing or clustering actions to create favourable conditions for the development of collective strategies that stimulate business investment, namely in terms of the dissemination of knowledge and technology transfer, the identification of digitalization and innovation opportunities and the training of companies to develop more sophisticated business strategies and internationalization.

Finally, the Incentive System for Research and Development (SIID) has a total allocation of 4.6 million euros for the call for proposals dedicated to the Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Property, in a multi-program Compete 2030 call for proposals with the mainland's regional programs. Of the total allocation for this call, 1 million euros is from Compete 2030.

In addition to these notices, which will be open until April, there are also notices with open applications, of which we highlight the following:

Support System for the Creation of Scientific and Technological Knowledge (SACCCT), with a total allocation of 65 million euros, for Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects (IC&DT) in Individual Operations and in Co-promotion. This is a multi-programme Compete 2030 call with the regional programs of Norte 2030, Centro 2030, Lisboa 2030, Alentejo 2030 and Algarve 2030.

SICE, with a total allocation of 18 million euros, for the call for joint operations to promote the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Also under this Incentive System, the call for tenders for Individual Productive Investment Operations in Innovative Activities, with special interest for the national economy, promoted by companies, is open under the Investment Contractual Regime.

SIID, with two multi-programme calls for proposals, with an allocation of 140.8 million euros, to support the development of Business R&D projects through individual operations or co-promotion.

This incentive system also has an open call for the development of Business R&D projects under the Contractual Investment Scheme.

SIQRH, two calls for tenders with a total allocation of 20 million euros to support the training of company employees, with two types of operation: Individual business training and Joint business training.

These calls are part of the Portugal 2030 incentive systems and aim to support the competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of national companies. See the calls for proposals on the Compete 2030 website and social networks.

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