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The Autonomous University of Lisbon is inaugurating a new campus in Campo de Ourique this Friday, with a day of free cultural programming.

A School of the Arts is the latest venture from the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL). With the aim of promoting the teaching of the arts and artistic thinking, the school opens its doors next Friday, January 12th. The opening day is also an open day with concerts, performances and talks. Admission is free.

From 3pm, the exhibition “Quando as Ondas são Montanhas” (When the Waves are Mountains) opens, featuring a set of images taken between 2014 and 2021, from various series by the artist Joana Patrão. It can be visited until February 29th. At the same time, the workshop Drawing with Your Eyes Closed takes place, designed for the whole family. Illustrator Inês Viegas Oliveira teaches how to draw what you can’t see.

Music also takes place on this day. Through the use of unstable electronic and acoustic processes, musician Vasco Alves investigates the materiality of sound and the nature of acoustic phenomena, using the bagpipe or customized wind instruments. Small Pieces for a Bagpipe under Construction takes place at 17.00.

At 6pm, Catarina Real and Ângelo Cid Neto perform Aqui-Agora, a performance that explores lines of reasoning around the action of bodies and movement, with language and systems of translation between words, drawing and movement as a backdrop. Earlier, at 16.00, the conference An Aesthetic for the Future focuses on the possibilities of an aesthetic for the future, as well as the relevance of arts education. Luís Lima, director of the School of Arts and professor at UAL, and architect Ricardo Carvalho will take part in the conversation.

Situada em Campo de Ourique, a Escola das Artes visa englobar novas prácticas artísticas, aliando a tradição e a modernidade, segundo a UAL, uma instituição privada de ensino superior. Na oferta formativa, destacam-se cursos livres sobre cinema português, fotografia, arte contemporânea, arquitectura e história.

Rua Fernando Assis Pacheco, 207 (Campo de Ourique).

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