rear of white car with electric charger

More than 3,727,000 times electric vehicles were charged on the Mobi.E network in 2023.

In 2023, the public access charging infrastructure continued to grow at a rapid pace, with an average of 25 stations installed per week, increasing by around 1,300 stations over the year as a whole.

By the end of 2023, the Mobi.E network had around 4,450 charging stations and more than 7,800 public access charging points.

Where to find charging station near you.

“Electric mobility in Portugal has been growing exponentially, something that these results demonstrate. The figures illustrate our ability to respond to an increasingly significant increase in demand and uptake of this form of sustainable mobility. The investment that will be made in the Mobi.E network over the next few years will allow the charging network to reach ever greater heights,” says Luís Barroso, president of MOBI.E.

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