child seat on backseat of carTTP traffic safety

11 common infractions that can earn you fines of up to 1,250 euros

There are traffic fines that everyone knows about: exceeding the speed limit, blood alcohol level or talking on a cell phone while driving. However, there are many other behaviors that can lead to unnecessary fines. According to Humberto Carvalho, ACP’s Training Director, in an exclusive interview for Executive Digest, there are attitudes and behaviors, many of which give rise to various doubts, that we should avoid.

Can I drive in flip-flops?

This is a controversial issue, but one that could be punishable: Article 11 of the Highway Code states that “drivers must, while driving, refrain from any acts that could jeopardize safe driving”. Failure to comply can result in a fine of between 60 and 300 euros.

Can we always drive in the outside lane at roundabouts?

What does the Highway Code say? At traffic circles, drivers must behave as follows: If they want to leave the traffic circle in the first exit lane, they must take the right-hand lane; if they want to leave the traffic circle via any of the other exit lanes, they must only take the right-hand traffic lane after passing the exit lane immediately before the one they want to leave, progressively approaching it and changing lanes after taking the necessary precautions. Failure to comply can result in a fine of between 60 and 300 euros.

Are we obliged to give way to buses that want to get off at local bus stops?

In local areas, drivers must slow down and, if necessary, stop whenever public passenger transport vehicles start up again as they leave the bus stop. You could be fined from 60 euros to 300 euros.

Do cyclists have priority when crossing the road at marked crossings?

Drivers must give way to cyclists crossing the road at signalized crossings, according to the Highway Code: the fine can be between 120 and 300 euros.

Do I have to reverse quickly?

Reversing is only allowed as an auxiliary or backup maneuver and must be carried out slowly and on the shortest possible route. Failure to comply is ‘worth’ between 30 and 150 euros.

Are children under 12 always obliged to use a child seat?

Children under the age of 12 transported in cars equipped with seat belts, provided they are less than 135 cm tall, must be secured with an approved system adapted to their size and weight. Fines range from 120 to 600 euros.

Can we carry goods outside the trunk?

“The transit of vehicles or animals loaded in such a way that they may constitute a danger or embarrassment to other road users or damage sidewalks, installations, works of art and marginal properties is prohibited,” says the Highway Code; Fine: 60 and 600 euros.

Can we drive with a broken rear light?

It is forbidden to use a red light or reflector directed towards the front or a white light or reflector directed towards the rear. Fine: 30 to 600 euros.

Can I drive with headphones?

No. Drivers are prohibited from continuously using or handling any type of equipment or apparatus that could impair driving, such as headphones and radiotelephones, while the vehicle is in motion. Fines: 250 and 1,250 euros.

Can we freely modify our vehicle (tuning)?

The models of cars, motorcycles, tricycles, quadricycles, mopeds, agricultural tractors, tractor-trailers and trailers, as well as their systems, components and accessories, are subject to approval in accordance with the rules laid down by regulation.

The transit of vehicles that do not have the systems, components or accessories with which they were approved or that use unapproved systems, components or accessories is prohibited.

Anyone infringing the provisions of the previous paragraph shall be punished with a fine of between 250 and 1,250 euros, and the vehicle shall be impounded until it passes an extraordinary inspection.

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